This is a combination of 54 portfolio cards in 3 sizes and 6 classic designs: Alice, Little Prince, Lavanda, Romantica, Explore, Olivetti. All are best selling patterns.
When you buy this set, you only pay for the portfolios - the display comes FREE!
Here below is the selection of the 54 portfolios:
18 Large Portfolios - 3 of each of 6 designs
Cards: 6.61 x 4.41 in. (16.8 x 11.2 cm). Envelopes: 6.88 x 4.72 in. (17.5 x 12 cm)
Each Portfolio contains 10 sets of matching cards and envelopes.
18 Medium Portfolios - 3 of each of 6 designs
Cards: 5.31 x 3.35 in. (13.5 x 8.5 cm). Envelopes: 5.51 x 3.54 in. (14 x 9 cm)
Each Portfolio contains 10 sets of matching cards and envelopes.
18 Small Portfolios - 3 of each of 6 designs
Size: Cards: 4.17 X 2.68 in. (10.6 x 6.8 cm). Envelopes: 4.33 x 3.07 in. (11 x 7.8 cm)
Each Portfolio contains 10 sets of matching cards and envelopes.
Printed on Ivory Smooth Paper.
Portfolio cards can be ordered separately to refill the display as your sales progress.